Individual file merge . Merging a newly added file
Daniel Shahaf
2017-08-02 14:47:38 UTC
Translation: The newly added newfile.txt is completely unrelated to the previously existing newfile.txt you are merging from.
JP, note that Andrew was assuming here that the status is really
just "A". If the status is "A +" then Andrew's reply might or might
not apply.

(To the list: it's possible JP did a 'merge -c 122' which created the
file and now is trying 'merge -c 123' to cherry-pick a followup commit
to that file.)
2017-08-02 12:48:26 UTC
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 1:34 AM
Subject: Re: Individual file merge . Merging a newly added file
I am trying to merge a newly added file . I am getting the following
error .
|svn merge -c123 https://my.svn.domain/svn/foo/branches/bar/newfile.txt ./newfile.txt
svn: E200009: Merge target './newfile.txt' does not exist in the working copy
https://my.svn.domain/svn/foo/branches/bar/newfile.txt is in status "A"
. How can I do such merges .
adding a file is a change to the parent directory.
Translation: The newly added newfile.txt is completely unrelated to the previously existing newfile.txt you are merging from.
a) Remove the newly added newfile.txt and instead do a 'svn copy ...' of the previously existing newfile.txt to the new location. This preserves ancestry and makes merging easier.
b) If the newly added newfile.txt really should be completely independent/unrelated to the previously existing newfile.txt, then you will need to use a "2-URL merge" to merge the previously existing newfile.txt into the newly added newfile.txt. Refer to "svn help merge".
The target branch may be the same as one or both sources, or different again.
The three branches involved can be completely unrelated.
that's not the OPs scenario (I think)

OP added a file on a branch and then wants to cherry-pick-merge the
addition to trunk (or a different branch).

But you can only merge changes of a file to a already existing target.

That is he needs to merge the addition of the file on the parent
folder level.