On the subversion I have a question to confirm
2017-05-19 10:25:02 UTC
Hello there:
On the subversion I have a question to confirm£¬ that the historical version has been submitted inside, whether by modifying the underlying file to modify the historical version of the content, hoping to help answer this question, thank you.

Snail ÎÏÅ£Êý×Ö
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Eric Johnson
2017-05-19 16:14:16 UTC
It is a little bit difficult to follow your question.

Perhaps you can restate the question as a sequence of Subversion actions,
and a question about the result?

As a stab at your question, when a change is committed, all the preceding
changes are still available from the repository.


On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 3:25 AM, ***@snail.com <***@snail.com>

> *Hello there:On the subversion I have a question to confirm
> that the historical version has been submitted inside, whether by modifying the underlying file to modify the historical version of the content, hoping to help answer this question, thank you.Snail
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Daniel Shahaf
2017-05-22 08:28:53 UTC
***@snail.com wrote on Mon, 22 May 2017 11:40 +0800:
> Hello, everyone:
> In the process of using Subversion, there are several questions that I hope someone can help to confirm, get the exact answer or official note
> 1, Subversion can not modify the version number under the premise of modifying the historical version of the content?

People who can commit cannot change the contents of previous revisions; they can only add new revisions.

The contents of old revisions can be changed by the repository administrator. This cannot be prevented by any system. It is not easy, but it is possible.

> 2, if you can make changes, please provide the appropriate changes or feasible recommendations; Also modified after the existence of the repository is not available, etc. Please give instructions, modify the historical version of the information is retained operating log?

By default, modifying history is not possible. If the repository administrator enables history editing, the repository administrator needs to arrange for records to be kept.

Keeping records of commits that create new revisions is possible with the built-in logging features (access log and operational log).

> 3, hope to get the Subversion project official email or official authorized reply, thank you for the help!

You're welcome.

Daniel Shahaf
2017-05-23 08:35:33 UTC
[Forwarding to the list. Please remember to use "Reply to All" when answering.]

***@snail.com wrote on Tue, 23 May 2017 14:08 +0800:
> Hello:
> Ask about your reply to the second question, how to open the editorial function of the library?
> Snail 蜗牛数字
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> From: Daniel Shahaf
> Date: 2017-05-22 16:28
> To: shenlei
> CC: users; Andreas.Stieger
> Subject: Re: On the subversion I have a question to confirm
> ***@snail.com wrote on Mon, 22 May 2017 11:40 +0800:
> > Hello, everyone:
> > In the process of using Subversion, there are several questions that I hope someone can help to confirm, get the exact answer or official note
> > 1, Subversion can not modify the version number under the premise of modifying the historical version of the content?
> People who can commit cannot change the contents of previous revisions; they can only add new revisions.
> The contents of old revisions can be changed by the repository administrator. This cannot be prevented by any system. It is not easy, but it is possible.
> > 2, if you can make changes, please provide the appropriate changes or feasible recommendations; Also modified after the existence of the repository is not available, etc. Please give instructions, modify the historical version of the information is retained operating log?
> By default, modifying history is not possible. If the repository administrator enables history editing, the repository administrator needs to arrange for records to be kept.
> Keeping records of commits that create new revisions is possible with the built-in logging features (access log and operational log).
> > 3, hope to get the Subversion project official email or official authorized reply, thank you for the help!
> You're welcome.
> Daniel
2017-05-23 09:56:14 UTC
Ask about your reply to the second question, how to open the editorial function of the library?

Snail 蜗牛数字
TEL: +86(0512)67671313
Email: ***@snail.com

This email (including any attachments) is confidential, may be legally privileged and is for the intended recipient only. Access, disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any of it by anyone else
is prohibited. If you received this message in error, please contact the sender and destroy all copies of this email.

From: Daniel Shahaf
Date: 2017-05-22 16:28
To: shenlei
CC: users; Andreas.Stieger
Subject: Re: On the subversion I have a question to confirm
***@snail.com wrote on Mon, 22 May 2017 11:40 +0800:
> Hello, everyone:
> In the process of using Subversion, there are several questions that I hope someone can help to confirm, get the exact answer or official note
> 1, Subversion can not modify the version number under the premise of modifying the historical version of the content?

People who can commit cannot change the contents of previous revisions; they can only add new revisions.

The contents of old revisions can be changed by the repository administrator. This cannot be prevented by any system. It is not easy, but it is possible.

> 2, if you can make changes, please provide the appropriate changes or feasible recommendations; Also modified after the existence of the repository is not available, etc. Please give instructions, modify the historical version of the information is retained operating log?

By default, modifying history is not possible. If the repository administrator enables history editing, the repository administrator needs to arrange for records to be kept.

Keeping records of commits that create new revisions is possible with the built-in logging features (access log and operational log).

> 3, hope to get the Subversion project official email or official authorized reply, thank you for the help!

You're welcome.

Ryan Schmidt
2017-05-23 22:29:47 UTC
On May 23, 2017, at 04:56, ***@snail.com wrote:
>>> 2, if you can make changes, please provide the appropriate changes or feasible recommendations; Also modified after the existence of the repository is not available, etc. Please give instructions, modify the historical version of the information is retained operating log?
>> By default, modifying history is not possible. If the repository administrator enables history editing, the repository administrator needs to arrange for records to be kept.
>> Keeping records of commits that create new revisions is possible with the built-in logging features (access log and operational log).
> Ask about your reply to the second question, how to open the editorial function of the library?

Repository administrators can edit the historical contents of files by using "svnadmin dump" to create a single-file representation of the repository, then use a dumpfile editing tool to make changes to it, then use "svnadmin load" to load that file into a new repository.

This is not done in the normal course of using your repository. This is done in emergency situations, such as: someone committed an enormous file to the repository and you need to remove it to free up server disk space; or someone committed a password or other secret information that cannot stay there. Sometimes, this is used to try to recover a corrupted repository.

Repository administrators can allow users to edit revision metadata, such as the author, date, time, and log message of a commit, by creating a pre-revprop-change hook. This is surely described in the svnbook.
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