Cleanup needs file present
David Balažic
2018-10-10 12:57:34 UTC

Please see the forwarded message below. TSVN folks said I should report it
The TSVN program mentioned uses subversion 1.10.2

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: David BalaÅŸic via TortoiseSVN <
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2018 at 13:22
Subject: Cleanup needs file present
To: TortoiseSVN <***@googlegroups.com>

with TSVN 1.10.1 x64 I tried to commit a changed version of two files in
the same folder, but the folder was not updated.
Long story short: the WC got currupted and needed a cleanup.

As there was a conflict during update which created those "merge" files, I
decided to delete all the affected files in the folder (the new yet
uncommitted version, the xxx.r1234 files and similar).

Then I ran Cleanup, several times with all options enabled, but it always
failed, complaining about a missing file (one of the original files I tried
to change and commit).
I tried revert, but it just complained that I need to run cleanup first.

Then I checked out that folder (with that exact revision) into a new WC,
copied the filed to the old WC, run cleanup, and then it finally worked.

What I consider a bug here is the fact that cleanup insists on the presence
of files which it could simply copy from the .svn folder.

