How to search across repositories
Cooke, Mark
2017-04-10 09:15:04 UTC

Can anyone recommend a good search engine for multiple svn repositories? We need to search all of our projects for specific config strings that need to be changed to support a network change...

Some google time turned up some old favourites, including "svnquery" [1] but the last release was in 2011 (although there does appear to be a version on github [2])...

We have multiple projects, each in their own repo, organised in several groups (using parent folders) and would ideally be able to search across each group (mostly the source files, not too bothered about e.g. Office or PDF files)

[1] http://svnquery.tigris.org/

[2] https://github.com/kalyptorisk/svnquery

Many thanks,

~ Mark C
Grierson, David
2017-04-10 10:56:19 UTC
(Sorry for the top posting - Outlook damn you to heck)

Atlassian's FishEye product does what you're looking for and also provides various other features.

Some caveats though; FishEye doesn't cope well with large renames or deletes (for example users performing en masse tag clean-up) so you need to be careful to have either sufficient memory allocated to the FishEye JVM, and have appropriate exclusion rules to ignore archive directories.

It's also commercial so that could be an issue if you don't have budget for a solution.


-----Original Message-----
From: Cooke, Mark [mailto:***@siemens-healthineers.com]
Sent: 10 April 2017 10:15
To: ***@subversion.apache.org
Subject: How to search across repositories

Can anyone recommend a good search engine for multiple svn repositories? We need to search all of our projects for specific config strings that need to be changed to support a network change...

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