Ignacio González (Eliop)
2018-02-20 09:31:56 UTC
Client svn 1.8.13
Server svn 1.8.13 on Centos 7 64 bit
I have a repository with 400 000 revisions.
Proyect X in that repository has the usual trunk / branches / tags
Project X
+- trunk
+- tags
+-- setA
+-- setB
+-- setC
The number of tags under 'setB' is over 3000. All of them are copies
of the trunk at several points in the past.
I want to rename 'setB' to 'setF'.
Easy, I thought: svn mv ....setB .....setF.
Did you use server-side move or client-side move + commit? Please showServer svn 1.8.13 on Centos 7 64 bit
I have a repository with 400 000 revisions.
Proyect X in that repository has the usual trunk / branches / tags
Project X
+- trunk
+- tags
+-- setA
+-- setB
+-- setC
The number of tags under 'setB' is over 3000. All of them are copies
of the trunk at several points in the past.
I want to rename 'setB' to 'setF'.
Easy, I thought: svn mv ....setB .....setF.
us the *exact* command you used, not some summary that you think is
sufficient, but really is not.
The original command, with some names changed, was:
svn mv http://myserver.mydomain.com/svn/myrepo/ProjectX/tags/setB/ http://
myserver.mydomain.com/svn/myrepo/ProjectX/tags/setF/ -m"Renombrando
etiquetas setB a setF."
This command bailed out after 30 minutes aprox.
The commands included in the script that is (still) running are like this
svn mv
-m"Moviendo etiquetas de setB a setF."
These commands take from 15 to 60 s and create 200 000 bytes files in the
fsfs repo.