SVN server email notification function (SMTP) and How To configure it
Zhaowei Mao
2017-11-07 10:35:20 UTC
Hi There,

We use SVN server (CollabNetSubversion-server-1.5.5-1.win32) for years, I’d
like to configure email notification on server so that may trace any
changes in repositories. It is very likely that commit_email.pl is bundled
with Subversion, which allow administrator to configure it in hook (use
post commit hook) in repository.

Other than email.pl, can anyone recommend any SMTP component or mailer
works for SVN but allow administrator to do configuration via GUI?

Much appreciate it!


*Zhao Wei*

IT Department, Weike (S) Pte

T: (65) 6547 1878 Ext. 313

E: ***@weikegroup.com

[image: http://i.imgur.com/WpdH6l0.jpg]

*3 Kallang Sector, #05-01/02 Singapore 349278*

T: (65) 6547 1878

F: (65) 6547 1879


[image: cid:***@01D320C4.B0F8F1A0]
Ryan Schmidt
2017-11-07 19:04:49 UTC
On Nov 7, 2017, at 04:35, Zhaowei Mao wrote:

> We use SVN server (CollabNetSubversion-server-1.5.5-1.win32) for years, I’d like to configure email notification on server so that may trace any changes in repositories. It is very likely that commit_email.pl is bundled with Subversion, which allow administrator to configure it in hook (use post commit hook) in repository.
> Other than email.pl, can anyone recommend any SMTP component or mailer works for SVN but allow administrator to do configuration via GUI?

As you can see at the top of the script:


commit-email.pl is deprecated. The replacement is mailer.py:

Zhaowei Mao
2017-11-08 04:56:54 UTC
Hi Ryan,

Thanks a lot for your reply. so far I did search those tools such as
commit_malier.py, svnmailer, SVN-Notify, all are required a lot of scripts
writing, I do not find any tool with GUI that easily for administrator to do
a setup and configure email notification.

Any idea will be much appreciated!

Zhao Wei

-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Schmidt [mailto:subversion-***@ryandesign.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 8 November, 2017 3:05 AM
To: Zhaowei Mao <***@weikegroup.com>
Cc: Subversion Users <***@subversion.apache.org>
Subject: Re: SVN server email notification function (SMTP) and How To
configure it

On Nov 7, 2017, at 04:35, Zhaowei Mao wrote:

> We use SVN server (CollabNetSubversion-server-1.5.5-1.win32) for years, I’d
> like to configure email notification on server so that may trace any
> changes in repositories. It is very likely that commit_email.pl is bundled
> with Subversion, which allow administrator to configure it in hook (use
> post commit hook) in repository.
> Other than email.pl, can anyone recommend any SMTP component or mailer
> works for SVN but allow administrator to do configuration via GUI?

As you can see at the top of the script:


commit-email.pl is deprecated. The replacement is mailer.py:

Zhaowei Mao
2017-11-15 04:47:34 UTC
Hi There,

For SVN-Notify on a windows server, which has a SVN server
(CollabNetSubversion-server-1.5.5-1.win32) running for years, could anybody
shed more light on its 'pre-installation'?

Greatly appreciate it!


-----Original Message-----
From: Zhaowei Mao [mailto:***@weikegroup.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 8 November, 2017 12:57 PM
To: 'Ryan Schmidt' <subversion-***@ryandesign.com>
Cc: 'Subversion Users' <***@subversion.apache.org>
Subject: RE: SVN server email notification function (SMTP) and How To
configure it

Hi Ryan,

Thanks a lot for your reply. so far I did search those tools such as
commit_malier.py, svnmailer, SVN-Notify, all are required a lot of scripts
writing, I do not find any tool with GUI that easily for administrator to do
a setup and configure email notification.

Any idea will be much appreciated!

Zhao Wei

-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Schmidt [mailto:subversion-***@ryandesign.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 8 November, 2017 3:05 AM
To: Zhaowei Mao <***@weikegroup.com>
Cc: Subversion Users <***@subversion.apache.org>
Subject: Re: SVN server email notification function (SMTP) and How To
configure it

On Nov 7, 2017, at 04:35, Zhaowei Mao wrote:

> We use SVN server (CollabNetSubversion-server-1.5.5-1.win32) for years, I’d
> like to configure email notification on server so that may trace any
> changes in repositories. It is very likely that commit_email.pl is bundled
> with Subversion, which allow administrator to configure it in hook (use
> post commit hook) in repository.
> Other than email.pl, can anyone recommend any SMTP component or mailer
> works for SVN but allow administrator to do configuration via GUI?

As you can see at the top of the script:


commit-email.pl is deprecated. The replacement is mailer.py:

Johan Corveleyn
2017-11-16 19:24:43 UTC
Another suggestion: https://github.com/qazwart/SVN-Watcher-Hook

I've used a custom version of that (perl) hook script. It allows your
users to control their own "watch file" (in the svn repository
itself), which is a simple config file containing patterns etc. for
which they want to receive post-commit mails.

It's not a GUI, but it's great that users can edit their own watch
file (with a very simple syntax), so they don't have to bother a
sysadmin to customize their notifications.

Zhaowei Mao
2017-11-17 10:44:44 UTC
Hi Johan,

Thanks so much for this input. I noted below:

* Perl 5.7 or later.

Does it work fine for my SVN server
(CollabNetSubversion-server-1.5.5-1.win32) on a Windows server 2008?

* Mail::Sendmail (optional). This is an optional Perl module to
install. It's very old, but straightforward and usually works
without too many issues. You can use the Perl CPAN utility to
install this module.

Which version of 'Mail::Sendmail'? or, it doesn't matter.

Thank you in advance!

Zhao Wei

-----Original Message-----
From: Johan Corveleyn [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, 17 November, 2017 3:25 AM
To: Zhaowei Mao <***@weikegroup.com>
Cc: Subversion Users <***@subversion.apache.org>; Ryan Schmidt
Subject: Re: SVN server email notification function (SMTP) and How To
configure it

Another suggestion: https://github.com/qazwart/SVN-Watcher-Hook

I've used a custom version of that (perl) hook script. It allows your users
to control their own "watch file" (in the svn repository itself), which is a
simple config file containing patterns etc. for which they want to receive
post-commit mails.

It's not a GUI, but it's great that users can edit their own watch file
(with a very simple syntax), so they don't have to bother a sysadmin to
customize their notifications.

Johan Corveleyn
2017-11-17 11:31:17 UTC
On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 11:44 AM, Zhaowei Mao
<***@weikegroup.com> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Johan Corveleyn [mailto:***@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, 17 November, 2017 3:25 AM
> To: Zhaowei Mao <***@weikegroup.com>
> Cc: Subversion Users <***@subversion.apache.org>; Ryan Schmidt
> <subversion-***@ryandesign.com>
> Subject: Re: SVN server email notification function (SMTP) and How To
> configure it
> Another suggestion: https://github.com/qazwart/SVN-Watcher-Hook
> I've used a custom version of that (perl) hook script. It allows your users
> to control their own "watch file" (in the svn repository itself), which is a
> simple config file containing patterns etc. for which they want to receive
> post-commit mails.
> It's not a GUI, but it's great that users can edit their own watch file
> (with a very simple syntax), so they don't have to bother a sysadmin to
> customize their notifications.
> --
> Johan

> Hi Johan,
> Thanks so much for this input. I noted below:
> * Perl 5.7 or later.
> Does it work fine for my SVN server
> (CollabNetSubversion-server-1.5.5-1.win32) on a Windows server 2008?
> * Mail::Sendmail (optional). This is an optional Perl module to
> install. It's very old, but straightforward and usually works
> without too many issues. You can use the Perl CPAN utility to
> install this module.
> Which version of 'Mail::Sendmail'? or, it doesn't matter.
> Thank you in advance!
> Zhao Wei

The SVN Server version should be no problem, but I'm not so sure that
the script will run 'as is' on Windows. I'm using it on Solaris. I've
actually used a previous version of that script which was distributed
on the users@ list years ago. I've had to tweak it a bit, and have
coded it to call "/usr/sbin/sendmail" directly (so no Mail::Sendmail
perl module). Apparently it has changed a bit since then, so I really
can't say much about that.

I suggest you try it out and see if you can get it working. Otherwise,
maybe you'll have to contact the developer via the Github project.

Zhaowei Mao
2017-11-20 03:12:58 UTC
Hi Johan,

Really appreciate your inputs and sharing, would update you if there's any

Thanks again!

Zhao Wei

-----Original Message-----
From: Johan Corveleyn [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, 17 November, 2017 7:31 PM
To: Zhaowei Mao <***@weikegroup.com>
Cc: Subversion Users <***@subversion.apache.org>; Ryan Schmidt
Subject: Re: SVN server email notification function (SMTP) and How To
configure it

On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 11:44 AM, Zhaowei Mao <***@weikegroup.com>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Johan Corveleyn [mailto:***@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, 17 November, 2017 3:25 AM
> To: Zhaowei Mao <***@weikegroup.com>
> Cc: Subversion Users <***@subversion.apache.org>; Ryan Schmidt
> <subversion-***@ryandesign.com>
> Subject: Re: SVN server email notification function (SMTP) and How To
> configure it
> Another suggestion: https://github.com/qazwart/SVN-Watcher-Hook
> I've used a custom version of that (perl) hook script. It allows your
> users to control their own "watch file" (in the svn repository
> itself), which is a simple config file containing patterns etc. for
> which they want to receive post-commit mails.
> It's not a GUI, but it's great that users can edit their own watch
> file (with a very simple syntax), so they don't have to bother a
> sysadmin to customize their notifications.
> --
> Johan

> Hi Johan,
> Thanks so much for this input. I noted below:
> * Perl 5.7 or later.
> Does it work fine for my SVN server
> (CollabNetSubversion-server-1.5.5-1.win32) on a Windows server 2008?
> * Mail::Sendmail (optional). This is an optional Perl module to
> install. It's very old, but straightforward and usually works
> without too many issues. You can use the Perl CPAN utility to
> install this module.
> Which version of 'Mail::Sendmail'? or, it doesn't matter.
> Thank you in advance!
> Zhao Wei

The SVN Server version should be no problem, but I'm not so sure that the
script will run 'as is' on Windows. I'm using it on Solaris. I've actually
used a previous version of that script which was distributed on the users@
list years ago. I've had to tweak it a bit, and have coded it to call
"/usr/sbin/sendmail" directly (so no Mail::Sendmail perl module). Apparently
it has changed a bit since then, so I really can't say much about that.

I suggest you try it out and see if you can get it working. Otherwise, maybe
you'll have to contact the developer via the Github project.
