Erroneous "diff --summarize" output?
2018-09-11 14:03:46 UTC
Hi Johan,

I'll file a bug report then!


On Wed, 9/5/18, Johan Corveleyn <***@gmail.com> wrote:

Subject: Re: Erroneous "diff --summarize" output?
To: "Chris" <***@yahoo.se>
Cc: "Subversion" <***@subversion.apache.org>
Date: Wednesday, September 5, 2018, 3:51 PM

On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 9:27 AM
I just noticed some
strange output from diff --summarize that to me looks like a
bug, but I'm not sure.
What I'm
doing is that I'm changing a file in a subdirectory,
committing it and then reverse-merging that change so
I'm back to the same content of my working copy as
before. Running svn diff against the previous revision shows
no diffs as expected, but when I do the exact same command
but add --summarize, it says the file that I changed is
modified and the directory it is in has property changes.
The attached reproduction script
illustrates the difference. Is this a bug or am I
misunderstanding how summarize is supposed to work?

Hi Chris,

Thanks for reporting this. I think this is
indeed a bug ... somehow
the 'diff
--summarize' seems to do something wrong when
the working-copy revision (but
regular 'diff' does it right). That's
if I'm correctly interpreting the second
usage of 'diff'.

From 'svn help diff':
  2. diff [-c M | -r
N[:M]] [TARGET[@REV]...]
  2. Display the changes made to TARGETs as
they are seen in REV between
revisions.  TARGETs may be all working copy paths or all
    If TARGETs are working copy
paths, N defaults to BASE and M to the
working copy; if URLs, N must be specified and M defaults
to HEAD.
    The '-c M' option is
equivalent to '-r N:M' where N = M-1.
    Using '-c -M' does the reverse:
'-r M:N' where N = M-1.

So, "If TARGETs are
working copy paths, N defaults to BASE and M to
the working copy".
But, if
I'm following your test script, at the end the working
copy is
at revision 3. And if not, it
certainly is after I execute another
'svn update' at the working copy

If I do:
    svn diff -r 1 A
it shows nothing.

If I
    svn diff -r 1 --summarize A
it shows:
    M      A

But if I do:
    svn diff -r
1:3 --summarize A
it shows nothing.

So it seems, with the
--summarize option, 'diff' doesn't seem to
determine correctly the "M" revision
of the range (should be "3" in
this case, the working revision of the working

This issue seems a
bit similar:
(svn --xml
--summarize -rBASE:nnnnn
reports incorrect output)

But I'm not sure whether it's the

I think you should
file a new issue, and attach your reproduction script to

