Sparse Checkout not working correctly?
Jessica Ryan
2018-02-16 20:08:49 UTC
Slaps forehead.

False alarm. I’m sorry. It turns out the parent directory of ‘code’ was somehow locally under version control (had a .svn dir).

svn co http://blabla/svn trunk --depth=empty
I then see code/trunk
and if, while still in the code dir, I do
svn st
I get a little message that says the code dir isn’t under version control. Makes sense. I can then cd into trunk and continue to sparsely update particular directories from the svn repo and all is well.
HOWEVER. :) Now, with 1.8 and 1.9, I’m seeing an issue..
Say I’m in my code dir and do
svn co http://blabla/svn trunk --depth=empty
Now if I do
svn st
A .
? trunk
And things get funky when trying to check stuff in.
I browsed your bug db and didn’t see any issues that looked like this, and I didn’t see anything interesting come up doing a google search to see if others are experiencing this.. My svn server version is 1.8.10. The client is running on Mac 10.13.3 and is version 1.9.7 (r1800392)
compiled Jan 12 2018, 19:11:29 on x86_64-apple-darwin17.3.0.
Let me know if there’s any more info I can provide!
Jessica Ryan