inode usage: when to delete transactions files after committing failed
2018-01-04 02:33:39 UTC
there are many transactions files after committing failed in my svn server. they cost lots of inodes.
when and how can i delete them?

i've found out that server will generate new transaction dir xx/db/transactions/[0-9]+\-[0-9]+.txn dir after each failed committing.

any tool can delete them when server running? i dont want to delete the txn dir which is in using.

Vanity...My favourite sin.
--<<The Devil's Advocate>>
Johan Corveleyn
2018-01-04 08:56:00 UTC
Post by Keva-Slient
there are many transactions files after committing failed in my svn server.
they cost lots of inodes.
when and how can i delete them?
i've found out that server will generate new transaction dir
xx/db/transactions/[0-9]+\-[0-9]+.txn dir after each failed committing.
any tool can delete them when server running? i dont want to delete the txn
dir which is in using.
You can use the tools 'svnadmin lstxns' and 'svnadmin rmtxns' for that.

The 'lstxns' subcommand supports a '-r REV' argument, which will then
skip all transactions that are based on a more recent revision than
REV (in other words: you will only see transactions that have been
started before REV). As the help text for 'svnadmin lstxns' says:
"Transactions with base revisions much older than HEAD are likely to
have been abandonded and are candidates to be removed."

If you want, you can also use the various 'svnlook' subcommands to
inspect the transaction.

See this section of the book for some more background info:
2018-01-04 09:12:33 UTC
thank you very much, i will have a loot at this.
Vanity...My favourite sin.
--<<The Devil's Advocate>>

------------------ Ô­ÊŒÓÊŒþ ------------------
·¢ŒþÈË: "Johan Corveleyn";<***@gmail.com>;
·¢ËÍʱŒä: 2018Äê1ÔÂ4ÈÕ(ÐÇÆÚËÄ) ÏÂÎç4:56
ÊÕŒþÈË: "Keva-Slient"<***@qq.com>;
³­ËÍ: "users"<***@subversion.apache.org>;
Ö÷Ìâ: Re: inode usage: when to delete transactions files after committing failed
Post by Keva-Slient
there are many transactions files after committing failed in my svn server.
they cost lots of inodes.
when and how can i delete them?
i've found out that server will generate new transaction dir
xx/db/transactions/[0-9]+\-[0-9]+.txn dir after each failed committing.
any tool can delete them when server running? i dont want to delete the txn
dir which is in using.
You can use the tools 'svnadmin lstxns' and 'svnadmin rmtxns' for that.

The 'lstxns' subcommand supports a '-r REV' argument, which will then
skip all transactions that are based on a more recent revision than
REV (in other words: you will only see transactions that have been
started before REV). As the help text for 'svnadmin lstxns' says:
"Transactions with base revisions much older than HEAD are likely to
have been abandonded and are candidates to be removed."

If you want, you can also use the various 'svnlook' subcommands to
inspect the transaction.

See this section of the book for some more background info:

