Post by wuzhouhuiPost by Daniel ShahafPost by wuzhouhuiThe width of terminal is 80 column, but the width of output of 'svn shelves' is 82
at least, I think 80 is better.
Thanks for testing the pre-releases.
Post by wuzhouhuiWhat do you think?
Agreed in principle, but cannot reproduce the original problem. With current
trunk, the output for me is 70 columns. By code inspection, that should be the
case so long as the shelf name is ≤29 characters (plus or minus the length of
the right-hand side description, which can vary by ±5 columns).
What version are you testing with?
Version: subversion-1.10.0-rc1.tar.bz2
OS: ubuntu 16.04
Configure args: ./configure --with-lz4=internal
Okay. 1.10.0-rc2 should be released soon (it's being prepared), but I haven't
the time to test it.
Which reminds me, sorry that we took so long to reply to your original
email. It must have slipped through the cracks.
Post by wuzhouhui1. Create a empty file (named 'a') and version it, then commit.
2. Add some contents to file 'a'
3. svn shelve a a
Now, the file 'a' will be deleted, that isn't what I want.
I assume this is a use-case we'd like to support, but I'll let the devs who
work on shelving comment on this. (I've pinged them)
The cause will be that the backend of 'shelve' is patch files, which make no
distinction between an empty file and a non-existent file. (So to support this
use-case we'll have either to swap backends or to make 'svn patch' smarter; I
believe Julian has considered both options)
Thanks again for your patience.