Relative URLs on command line
Daniel Becroft
2017-03-21 00:25:25 UTC
I'm trying to use the relative URL syntax from the command line, as
mentioned in a 2009 blog post[1]. However, I'm having troubles getting it
to work.
svn switch ^/trunk
svn: E125002: '/trunk' does not appear to be a URL
svn merge -c 10000 ^/trunk .
svn: E155007: 'C:\trunk' is not a working copy

Everything works fine when using the full URLs, but I expected the relative
paths to work.
Environment: Windows 10 64-bit, version 1.9.5-SlikSvn (SlikSvn/1.9.5)

Is this a *nix-only feature?
Daniel B.
Stefan Sperling
2017-03-21 05:31:14 UTC
Post by Daniel Becroft
svn switch ^/trunk
svn: E125002: '/trunk' does not appear to be a URL
svn merge -c 10000 ^/trunk .
svn: E155007: 'C:\trunk' is not a working copy
Everything works fine when using the full URLs, but I expected the relative
paths to work.
Environment: Windows 10 64-bit, version 1.9.5-SlikSvn (SlikSvn/1.9.5)
Is this a *nix-only feature?
In Windows cmd.exe ^ is a special character and must be escaped with itself.
So try again with: svn switch ^^/trunk
