Error connecting to svn.apache.org
Paul Hammant
2018-09-02 19:04:22 UTC
For svn 1.10.2, when I do:

$ svn log http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/synapse/trunk

it results in:

svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL '
svn: E120108: Error running context: The server unexpectedly closed the

I've tried over hotspot (T-Mobile USA), and wifi with the same reults (I
was wondering if it was an IPv4 / IPv6 issues).

However if I do:

$ svn log https://github.com/apache/synapse.git

... it works as expected. Github's Svn mirrors don't require the /trunk
suffix for 'master' that's mapped to that.

Does anyone have any ideas?

- Paul
Branko Čibej
2018-09-02 19:16:51 UTC
    $ svn log http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/synapse/trunk
    svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL
    svn: E120108: Error running context: The server unexpectedly
closed the connection.
I've tried over hotspot (T-Mobile USA), and wifi with the same reults
(I was wondering if it was an IPv4 / IPv6 issues).
    $ svn log https://github.com/apache/synapse.git
... it works as expected. Github's Svn mirrors don't require the
/trunk suffix for 'master' that's mapped to that.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Nope ... All I can say is that it works for me.

$ host svn.apache.org
svn.apache.org has address

Could be different for you.

-- Brane
Paul Hammant
2018-09-02 19:22:47 UTC
I'd already tried something similar, but will paste in the result:

$ svn log
Redirecting to URL 'https://dist.apache.org/repos/asf/synapse/trunk':
svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL
svn: E175009: The XML response contains invalid XML
svn: E130003: Malformed XML: no element found at line 1

^ That as an attempt to force IPv4
Paul Hammant
2018-09-02 19:24:29 UTC
Hmmm, OK this shifts the problem:

mv ~/.subversion ~/.subversionOLD

I mean doing the log operation after that now works as expected.

- Paul
Paul Hammant
2018-09-02 19:26:05 UTC
Dammit, false alarm - there was a proxy definition in there just for
svn.apache.org :-( :-(
Paul Hammant
2018-09-02 19:30:24 UTC
I'm not sure if there's a online definitive error guide for Svn, but
if there is the page for E170013 could be enhanced to suggest "check
your darn proxy settings in ~/.subversion/servers, fool" (or less
Paul-centric language).
Daniel Shahaf
2018-09-03 15:48:14 UTC
Post by Paul Hammant
I'm not sure if there's a online definitive error guide for Svn, but
if there is the page for E170013 could be enhanced to suggest "check
your darn proxy settings in ~/.subversion/servers, fool" (or less
Paul-centric language).
We should start such a thing on
https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/site/publish/ ; the
recent OpenSSL example added to the FAQ and 1.10 release notes can go
there too.




Branko Čibej
2018-09-02 19:36:08 UTC
Post by Paul Hammant
$ svn log
svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL
svn: E175009: The XML response contains invalid XML
svn: E130003: Malformed XML: no element found at line 1
^ That as an attempt to force IPv4
This does not so much force IPv4 as it breaks name-based virtual hosts
on the server ... which is obvious from the bogus redirect.

-- Brane
Paul Hammant
2018-09-02 19:37:30 UTC
Post by Branko Čibej
This does not so much force IPv4 as it breaks name-based virtual hosts
on the server ... which is obvious from the bogus redirect.
Yup, I guessed as much too. I just pasted it in because I'd seen it
offered as advice online somewhere.