Actual checksum is always different
Maksim Sokolov
2018-03-15 16:42:37 UTC

OS: Ubuntu Server Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-116-generic x86_64)
Server Software: svn --version
svn, version 1.9.3 (r1718519) - this is the latest version available on
Ubuntu servers

Cliet OS: Windows 10 Pro (latest updates)
Client Software: TortoiseSVN 1.9.727907 64-bit
*Issue can be repeated on all computer in the office.

Issue: Could you tell any idea what actual checksum is always different,
what can cause  such a kind of checksum mismatch issue?

TortoiseSVN LOG
Error: Checksum mismatch for 'C:\Images\00001000\00001121.JPG':
Error:    expected: 4862e296bbacf7a6c63eded7acd4a2c1
Error:      actual: 02ffc98c8e1302b6b6bba6d82bb6a163

Error: Checksum mismatch for 'C:\00001000\00001121.JPG':
Error:    expected: 4862e296bbacf7a6c63eded7acd4a2c1
Error:      actual: 2877743527179b2fbd035c6f8fb98a27
Best regards,

Maksim Sokolov
DTK Software
Support Engineer
Reznas 5 - 70, Riga,
LV1019, Latvia, EU
Phone: +371 67 112 515
Web: www.dtksoft.com
Skype: dtksupport
Johan Corveleyn
2018-03-18 23:44:27 UTC
Post by Maksim Sokolov
OS: Ubuntu Server Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-116-generic x86_64)
Server Software: svn --version
svn, version 1.9.3 (r1718519) - this is the latest version available on
Ubuntu servers
Cliet OS: Windows 10 Pro (latest updates)
Client Software: TortoiseSVN 1.9.727907 64-bit
*Issue can be repeated on all computer in the office.
Issue: Could you tell any idea what actual checksum is always different,
what can cause such a kind of checksum mismatch issue?
TortoiseSVN LOG
Error: expected: 4862e296bbacf7a6c63eded7acd4a2c1
Error: actual: 02ffc98c8e1302b6b6bba6d82bb6a163
Error: expected: 4862e296bbacf7a6c63eded7acd4a2c1
Error: actual: 2877743527179b2fbd035c6f8fb98a27
And you can reproduce that consistently on those same files, on all
computers in the office? Sounds pretty weird to me. I don't know any
possible causes for this.

Can you 'svnadmin verify' the repository on the server?

Apart from corruption of the repository, the only thing that comes to
mind is that something might be interfering. Either with the network
traffic (proxy, security scanner, antivirus, ...), or on the client
computers (files being munged behind svn's back).
Maksim Sokolov
2018-03-19 13:42:59 UTC
Hello Johan,

It was completely our fault, our memory module were faulty. After memory
module replacement issue is gone.

Sorry for wasting your time, we have tested different product versions,
HDD/SSD, motherboard, CPU, but haven't tested memory, and wasted 1 week
of time to eliminate the issue :)

For your experience, you can mention somewhere for the case like ours,
when actual checksum is different for the same file, memory module or
storage need to be checked, so it is not faulty.
Post by Johan Corveleyn
Post by Maksim Sokolov
OS: Ubuntu Server Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-116-generic x86_64)
Server Software: svn --version
svn, version 1.9.3 (r1718519) - this is the latest version available on
Ubuntu servers
Cliet OS: Windows 10 Pro (latest updates)
Client Software: TortoiseSVN 1.9.727907 64-bit
*Issue can be repeated on all computer in the office.
Issue: Could you tell any idea what actual checksum is always different,
what can cause such a kind of checksum mismatch issue?
TortoiseSVN LOG
Error: expected: 4862e296bbacf7a6c63eded7acd4a2c1
Error: actual: 02ffc98c8e1302b6b6bba6d82bb6a163
Error: expected: 4862e296bbacf7a6c63eded7acd4a2c1
Error: actual: 2877743527179b2fbd035c6f8fb98a27
And you can reproduce that consistently on those same files, on all
computers in the office? Sounds pretty weird to me. I don't know any
possible causes for this.
Can you 'svnadmin verify' the repository on the server?
Apart from corruption of the repository, the only thing that comes to
mind is that something might be interfering. Either with the network
traffic (proxy, security scanner, antivirus, ...), or on the client
computers (files being munged behind svn's back).
Best regards,

Maksim Sokolov
DTK Software
Support Engineer
Reznas 5 - 70, Riga,
LV1019, Latvia, EU
Phone: +371 67 112 515
Web: www.dtksoft.com
Skype: dtksupport
Johan Corveleyn
2018-03-19 15:26:29 UTC
No problem, and thanks for sending this information back to the list.
Maybe it'll help others encountering the same problem.
Post by Maksim Sokolov
Hello Johan,
It was completely our fault, our memory module were faulty. After memory
module replacement issue is gone.
Sorry for wasting your time, we have tested different product versions,
HDD/SSD, motherboard, CPU, but haven't tested memory, and wasted 1 week of
time to eliminate the issue :)
For your experience, you can mention somewhere for the case like ours, when
actual checksum is different for the same file, memory module or storage
need to be checked, so it is not faulty.
Post by Johan Corveleyn
Post by Maksim Sokolov
OS: Ubuntu Server Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-116-generic x86_64)
Server Software: svn --version
svn, version 1.9.3 (r1718519) - this is the latest version available on
Ubuntu servers
Cliet OS: Windows 10 Pro (latest updates)
Client Software: TortoiseSVN 1.9.727907 64-bit
*Issue can be repeated on all computer in the office.
Issue: Could you tell any idea what actual checksum is always different,
what can cause such a kind of checksum mismatch issue?
TortoiseSVN LOG
Error: expected: 4862e296bbacf7a6c63eded7acd4a2c1
Error: actual: 02ffc98c8e1302b6b6bba6d82bb6a163
Error: expected: 4862e296bbacf7a6c63eded7acd4a2c1
Error: actual: 2877743527179b2fbd035c6f8fb98a27
And you can reproduce that consistently on those same files, on all
computers in the office? Sounds pretty weird to me. I don't know any
possible causes for this.
Can you 'svnadmin verify' the repository on the server?
Apart from corruption of the repository, the only thing that comes to
mind is that something might be interfering. Either with the network
traffic (proxy, security scanner, antivirus, ...), or on the client
computers (files being munged behind svn's back).
Best regards,
Maksim Sokolov
DTK Software
Support Engineer
Reznas 5 - 70, Riga,
LV1019, Latvia, EU
Phone: +371 67 112 515
Web: www.dtksoft.com
Skype: dtksupport
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