auto-props syntax in file vs. property
2018-02-22 12:52:12 UTC
Re-awakening my previous thread about the auto-properties. I get really confused by where to use ;; and ; as a separator.

I currently have this in the auto-props on the repo:
*.txt = svn:mime-type=text/plain;;charset=iso-8859-1;svn:eol-style=LF

And then if I add a text file:
prompt> touch foo.txt; svn add foo.txt; svn pg svn:mime-type foo.txt
A foo.txt

So the property itself is with just one semicolon in there despite the auto-prop having ;;
Is this the correct behavior?

While if I to the same thing manually, i.e.

prompt> touch foo; svn add foo; svn propset svn:mime-type "text/plain;;charset=iso-8859-1" foo; svn pg svn:mime-type foo
A foo
property 'svn:mime-type' set on 'foo'

That is, I'm passing in the exact string that I have in my auto-props into propset for a file without .txt-suffix so I don't get the auto-properties. But as you see in the resulting property that I now have has double semi-colons.

My guess is that the former is the intended behavior and I should not be passing in the ";;" into the manual command, but I'm getting really confused here. I seems very error-prone that manual propset can't use the strings from the config file or auto-props wihtout getting a different result.

Which version is the correct one, or do both actually do the job?


On Wed, 1/10/18, Daniel Shahaf <***@daniel.shahaf.name> wrote:

Subject: Re: auto-props syntax in file vs. property
To: "Chris" <***@yahoo.se>, ***@subversion.apache.org
Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2018, 8:51 PM

Chris wrote on Wed, 10 Jan 2018
I think the fix to
svn_apply_autoprops.py should be something like below
If anyone with commit rights wants to fix
it on the repo, feel free to
use the
below, or improve it as necessary (my python knowledge is
Index: svn_apply_autoprops.py
--- svn_apply_autoprops.py     
(revision 103617)
svn_apply_autoprops.py      (revision 103618)
@@ -101,7 +101,11 @@
      # leading and trailing whitespce
from the propery names and
      props_list = []
-    for prop in
+    #
Since ;; is a separator within one property, we need to
+    # regex and use both negative
lookahead and lookbehind to avoid

  # ever matching a more than one semicolon in the split
+    semicolonpattern =
+    for prop in re.split(semicolonpattern, props):

That's clever, but it will
misparse sequences of three or more semicolons in a row,
such as

*.foo =

Branko Čibej
2018-02-22 13:10:24 UTC
Post by Chris
Re-awakening my previous thread about the auto-properties. I get really confused by where to use ;; and ; as a separator.
*.txt = svn:mime-type=text/plain;;charset=iso-8859-1;svn:eol-style=LF
prompt> touch foo.txt; svn add foo.txt; svn pg svn:mime-type foo.txt
A foo.txt
More completely: an 'svn proplist -v' would show the folloing properties:

Post by Chris
So the property itself is with just one semicolon in there despite the auto-prop having ;;
Is this the correct behavior?
Yes of course. In the auto-props configuration, a single colon separates
individual properties. If you want a colon within a property value, you
have to write ;; in the auto-props configuration to get the ; in the
property value.

If instead you'd had this auto-props configuration:

*.txt = svn:mime-type=text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1;svn:eol-style=LF

Then, when you added a file to Subversion, you'd get the following
properties set:


which is probably not what you want.
Post by Chris
While if I to the same thing manually, i.e.
prompt> touch foo; svn add foo; svn propset svn:mime-type "text/plain;;charset=iso-8859-1" foo; svn pg svn:mime-type foo
A foo
property 'svn:mime-type' set on 'foo'
That is, I'm passing in the exact string that I have in my auto-props into propset for a file without .txt-suffix so I don't get the auto-properties. But as you see in the resulting property that I now have has double semi-colons.
On the command-line you can only set a singly property value at a time,
so there's no need to escape the ';' delimiter.
But the auto-props configuration isn't a single property; it's several
properties, delimited with a single ';'.
Post by Chris
My guess is that the former is the intended behavior and I should not be passing in the ";;" into the manual command,
Post by Chris
but I'm getting really confused here. I seems very error-prone that manual propset can't use the strings from the config file or auto-props wihtout getting a different result.
Which version is the correct one, or do both actually do the job?
Each does its job in its own context.

-- Brane
2018-02-22 14:28:33 UTC
Hi Brane,

thanks for the reply. Then I understand why it's acting the way it is. It would have been nicer with different separators for the two cases, but it is what it is and I agree that it works.
The downside is that my initial fix (earlier in this thread) for svn_apply_autoprops.py isn't correct since I need to prune the second ; before it calls propset. Need to try another fix then (unless someone has fixed that in the repo already)


On Thu, 2/22/18, Branko Čibej <***@apache.org> wrote:

Subject: Re: auto-props syntax in file vs. property
To: ***@subversion.apache.org
Date: Thursday, February 22, 2018, 2:10 PM

On 22.02.2018 13:52, Chris
Post by Chris
Re-awakening my previous thread
about the auto-properties. I get really confused by where to
use ;; and ; as a separator.
Post by Chris
I currently have this in the auto-props on
*.txt =
Post by Chris
And then if I add a
prompt>  touch foo.txt;
svn add foo.txt; svn pg svn:mime-type foo.txt
Post by Chris
A        foo.txt

More completely: an 'svn proplist -v'
would show the folloing properties:

Post by Chris
So the property itself is with just one
semicolon in there despite the auto-prop having ;;
Post by Chris
Is this the correct behavior?
Yes of course. In the
auto-props configuration, a single colon separates
individual properties. If you want a colon
within a property value, you
have to write
;; in the auto-props configuration to get the ; in the
property value.

If instead you'd had this auto-props

*.txt =

Then, when
you added a file to Subversion, you'd get the
properties set:


which is
probably not what you want.
Post by Chris
While if I to the same
thing manually, i.e.
Post by Chris
prompt> touch foo; svn add foo; svn
propset svn:mime-type
"text/plain;;charset=iso-8859-1" foo; svn pg
svn:mime-type foo
Post by Chris
A        foo
property 'svn:mime-type' set on
Post by Chris
That is, I'm passing in the exact
string that I have in my auto-props into propset for a file
without .txt-suffix so I don't get the auto-properties.
But as you see in the resulting property that I now have has
double semi-colons.

On the
command-line you can only set a singly property value at a
so there's no need to escape the
';' delimiter.
But the auto-props
configuration isn't a single property; it's
properties, delimited with a single
Post by Chris
My guess
is that the former is the intended behavior and I should not
be passing in the ";;" into the manual command,

Post by Chris
I'm getting really confused here. I seems very
error-prone that manual propset can't use the strings
from the config file or auto-props wihtout getting a
different result.
Which version is the correct one, or do both actually do the

Each does its
job in its own context.

