latest svn book?
Lana Deere
2017-07-19 18:56:02 UTC

I am looking for the latest version of the subversion book. The only
version I seem able to find (at svnbook.org) says it is for svn 1.7 and has
a copyright date of 2011. I'm looking for a version which is up-to-date
with respect to svn 1.9. Any pointers would be appreciated.


.. Lana (***@gmail.com)
Todd Armstrong
2017-07-19 19:22:52 UTC
There’s a 1.8 draft in the nightly build section of that page with a 2016 copyright that I’ve been using.

It’s not available in PDF form yet, though.

From: Lana Deere [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 1:56 PM
To: ***@subversion.apache.org
Subject: latest svn book?


I am looking for the latest version of the subversion book. The only version I seem able to find (at svnbook.org<http://svnbook.org>) says it is for svn 1.7 and has a copyright date of 2011. I'm looking for a version which is up-to-date with respect to svn 1.9. Any pointers would be appreciated.


.. Lana (***@gmail.com<mailto:***@gmail.com>)
Daniel Shahaf
2017-07-20 10:03:21 UTC
There’s a 1.8 draft in the nightly build section of that page with a 2016 copyright that I’ve been using.
It’s not available in PDF form yet, though.
Requests for a PDF version should be addressed to the book's mailing
list (svnbook-***@red-bean.com).
Nathan Hartman
2017-07-21 20:12:42 UTC
Post by Todd Armstrong
Post by Todd Armstrong
There’s a 1.8 draft in the nightly build section of that page with a
2016 copyright that I’ve been using.
Post by Todd Armstrong
It’s not available in PDF form yet, though.
Requests for a PDF version should be addressed to the book's mailing
I tried on two occasions to subscribe to that mailing list but there seemed
to be no response. Does anyone know why or have contact with the book
maintainers? It's a very good book. I still refer to it frequently.
Bringing it up-to-date with 1.9 and current best practices would benefit
all of us.

Also, some sections could be expanded. Just one example is how to deal with
vendor branches. There was some recent discussion here about communication
between the FreeBSD and Subversion maintainers, and some practices that
could be updated by FreeBSD and/or improvements made to Subversion. The
results of such discussions are exactly the sort of information that should
be documented in the svn-book. I propose an additional chapter on real
world scenarios and case studies, to help potential adopters and long-time
users alike.
Daniel Shahaf
2017-07-21 20:47:06 UTC
Post by Nathan Hartman
I tried on two occasions to subscribe to that mailing list but there seemed
to be no response. Does anyone know why or have contact with the book
I've forwarded Nathan's report to svnbook-dev@ (and verified that my email
was in fact delivered to that list), so cmpilato et al should be aware of it now.
Nathan Hartman
2017-07-21 21:09:54 UTC
Post by Nathan Hartman
Post by Nathan Hartman
I tried on two occasions to subscribe to that mailing list but there
Post by Nathan Hartman
to be no response. Does anyone know why or have contact with the book
was in fact delivered to that list), so cmpilato et al should be aware of it now.
