Issues with version 1.9.7
Matteo Tesser
2017-11-18 10:56:15 UTC

I use SVN from several years, but during the last few days I found a
project folder have been corrupted several times.

In doing the clean Subversion reported the following

line 227: assertion failed (svn_dirent_is_absolute(dir_abspath))

best regards,
Johan Corveleyn
2017-11-20 09:45:30 UTC
Post by Matteo Tesser
I use SVN from several years, but during the last few days I found a project
folder have been corrupted several times.
In doing the clean Subversion reported the following
line 227: assertion failed (svn_dirent_is_absolute(dir_abspath))
Hi Matteo,

We've seen reports of this specific error a couple of times on this
list. It would be great if we could get to the bottom of this, and
determine whether it's a but in svn core, or in TortoiseSVN callilng
the svn libraries incorrectly, or something else.

There must be something special going on with that working copy though
(otherwise we'd see this error much more often). Can you find out
what's so special about your working copy? Alternatively, can you come
up with a reproduction recipe to reproduce this error from scratch?
Matteo Tesser
2017-11-22 06:22:27 UTC
Hi Johan,
thanks for supporting. Fortunally the issue has been rsolved itselft: if it
can help after a couple of days I had to reboot my laptop and after that
the svn folder was recognized as fine.
best regards,
Post by Matteo Tesser
Post by Matteo Tesser
I use SVN from several years, but during the last few days I found a
Post by Matteo Tesser
folder have been corrupted several times.
In doing the clean Subversion reported the following
Post by Matteo Tesser
line 227: assertion failed (svn_dirent_is_absolute(dir_abspath))
Hi Matteo,
We've seen reports of this specific error a couple of times on this
list. It would be great if we could get to the bottom of this, and
determine whether it's a but in svn core, or in TortoiseSVN callilng
the svn libraries incorrectly, or something else.
There must be something special going on with that working copy though
(otherwise we'd see this error much more often). Can you find out
what's so special about your working copy? Alternatively, can you come
up with a reproduction recipe to reproduce this error from scratch?