Reintragration using 'swtich'
Anton Shepelev
2018-08-22 17:03:25 UTC
Hello, all

I have created a new branch on the server using the
^ notation, switched to it from my trunk, and made
some changes. Now, in order to reintegrate, the
manual says I need a working copy of the trunk, and
that I can obtain one using 'switch'. If I, howev-
er, I swtich locally back to the trunk, I will lose
the branch working copy. Is the wroking copy of the
branch not required for reintegration?
Please, do not forward replies to the list to my e-mail.
Daniel Shahaf
2018-08-22 18:21:19 UTC
Is the wroking copy of the branch not required for reintegration?
It's not required. You can 'switch' your working copy to trunk and run
'svn merge' passing it the URL of the feature branch.
Anton Shepelev
2018-08-24 11:10:35 UTC
Post by Daniel Shahaf
Is the wroking copy of the branch not required for
It's not required. You can 'switch' your working copy to
trunk and run
Thank you.

Can you please tell me what happens to uncommitted changes
in the working copy during a 'switch'?
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Stefan Sperling
2018-08-24 11:19:06 UTC
Post by Anton Shepelev
Can you please tell me what happens to uncommitted changes
in the working copy during a 'switch'?
The same as with 'update'.
Local changes are merged with incoming changes.

You can think of 'switch' as an 'update' which is not limited to
traversing just the revision number space, but which can traverse
both the revision number space and the in-repository path space.
