auto-props syntax in file vs. property
2018-01-09 15:15:18 UTC

I am really confused by how to set an auto-property when I need multiple "parameters" to a single property.
When setting svn:auto-props, it seems I can do this:

*.java = svn:mime-type=text/java;;charset=iso-8859-1;svn:eol-style=LF

That is, use ;; as an escape between the "parameters" for file type and charset. Adding a java-file and doing propget gives this:
Which seems to be correct. Right?

Using the exact same line in ~/.subversion/config seems to see "charset" as a separate property from "mime-type" and set two different properties on the file with "charset" having no meaning. Using svn_apply_autoprops.py on that syntax at least gave me those separate props. A quick web search showed someone enclosing the entire property in quotes and only using a single semicolon, i.e.:
*.java = "svn:mime-type=text/java;charset=iso-8859-1";svn:eol-style=LF
Haven't tested this yet and I don't know if it works or not

I can't find anything in the manual (http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.advanced.props.html) describing what the right separator/escape sequence is for these two and if there's some common syntax that can be used for both.
If would have been nice if I could use the exact same syntax for both so I can just paste in filetype-part of the config file into the auto-props, but it won't kill me if I have to use separate ones, as long as I know how to use it :)

At least for a transition period, I will need to keep the config-file in order to run svn_apply_autoprops on files coming in from branches created added before we added svn:auto-props (and have wrong props) so I need both working and I'm unsure of what the right way for doing this is.

Daniel Shahaf
2018-01-09 16:05:29 UTC
Post by Chris
*.java = svn:mime-type=text/java;;charset=iso-8859-1;svn:eol-style=LF
That is, use ;; as an escape between the "parameters" for file type and
Which seems to be correct. Right?
Post by Chris
Using the exact same line in ~/.subversion/config seems to see "charset"
as a separate property from "mime-type" and set two different properties
on the file with "charset" having no meaning.
I can't reproduce this. With that line in ~/.subversion/config I get:

% svn add foo.java
A foo.java
% svn pl -v foo.java
Properties on 'foo.java':

(The value 'native' was inherited from svn:auto-props in the working
copy I was testing in.)

Also, does it really set *two* properties on the file? Not three? "svn:mime-type",
"charset", "svn:eol-style"?

What client and version do you use?


2018-01-10 07:25:07 UTC
Hi Daniel,

thanks for the reply.
You're right that it seems to work when I do "svn add" and with that config file, but when I do the same with svn_apply_autoprops.py, it acts badly. I simply forgot to check the regular add :)
So I get the problem when I do:
./svn_apply_autoprops.py --config myconfig /path/to/workspace

Then it will set charset and mime-type as two separate properties.
(and yes, it sets 3 properties overall, I just meant that the mime-type got split into two)

I guess there's something in the parser in svn_apply_autoprops that is misbehaving rather than svn itself. A quick look in that file shows this line:
for prop in props.split(';'):
Which I suspect is the root cause of the issue, although I haven't verified it yet. I guess I need to figure out some python basics and see if I can ugly-hack that to work for double semicolons.


On Tue, 1/9/18, Daniel Shahaf <***@daniel.shahaf.name> wrote:

Subject: Re: auto-props syntax in file vs. property
To: ***@subversion.apache.org
Date: Tuesday, January 9, 2018, 5:05 PM

Chris wrote on Tue, 09 Jan 2018
Post by Chris
When setting
  *.java =
Post by Chris
That is, use ;; as
an escape between the "parameters" for file type
Post by Chris
charset. Adding a java-file and
doing propget gives this:
Post by Chris
seems to be correct. Right?

Using the exact same line in ~/.subversion/config seems to
see "charset"
Post by Chris
as a separate
property from "mime-type" and set two different
Post by Chris
on the file with
"charset" having no meaning.

I can't reproduce this.  With that line in
~/.subversion/config I get:

% svn add foo.java
A        foo.java
% svn pl
-v foo.java
Properties on

(The value
'native' was inherited from svn:auto-props in the
copy I was testing in.)

Also, does it really set *two*
properties on the file?  Not three? 

What client and version do you use?


2018-01-10 08:26:00 UTC
I think the fix to svn_apply_autoprops.py should be something like below (/subversion/trunk/contrib/client-side/svn_apply_autoprops.py)
If anyone with commit rights wants to fix it on the repo, feel free to use the below, or improve it as necessary (my python knowledge is non-existing)

Index: svn_apply_autoprops.py
--- svn_apply_autoprops.py (revision 103617)
+++ svn_apply_autoprops.py (revision 103618)
@@ -101,7 +101,11 @@
# leading and trailing whitespce from the propery names and
# values.
props_list = []
- for prop in props.split(';'):
+ # Since ;; is a separator within one property, we need to do
+ # regex and use both negative lookahead and lookbehind to avoid
+ # ever matching a more than one semicolon in the split
+ semicolonpattern = re.compile("(?<!;);(?!;)")
+ for prop in re.split(semicolonpattern, props):
prop = prop.strip()
if not len(prop):


On Wed, 1/10/18, Chris <***@yahoo.se> wrote:

Subject: Re: auto-props syntax in file vs. property
To: ***@subversion.apache.org, "Daniel Shahaf" <***@daniel.shahaf.name>
Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2018, 8:25 AM

Hi Daniel,

thanks for the reply.
You're right that it seems to work when
I do "svn add" and with that config file, but when I do the
same with svn_apply_autoprops.py, it acts badly. I simply
forgot to check the regular add :)
So I get the problem when I do:
--config myconfig /path/to/workspace

Then it will set charset and mime-type
as two separate properties.
(and yes, it sets 3 properties overall,
I just meant that the mime-type got split into two)

I guess there's something in the parser
in svn_apply_autoprops that is misbehaving rather than svn
itself. A quick look in that file shows this line:
    for prop in
Which I suspect is the root cause of
the issue, although I haven't verified it yet. I guess I
need to figure out some python basics and see if I can
ugly-hack that to work for double semicolons.


On Tue, 1/9/18, Daniel Shahaf <***@daniel.shahaf.name>

Subject: Re: auto-props syntax in file
vs. property
To: ***@subversion.apache.org
Date: Tuesday, January 9, 2018, 5:05

Chris wrote on Tue, 09 Jan 2018
Post by Chris
When setting
svn:auto-props, it seems I can do
Post by Chris
  *.java =
Post by Chris
That is, use ;; as
an escape between the "parameters" for
file type
Post by Chris
charset. Adding a java-file and
doing propget gives this:
Post by Chris
seems to be correct. Right?

Using the exact same line in
~/.subversion/config seems to
see "charset"
Post by Chris
as a separate
property from "mime-type" and set two
Post by Chris
on the file with
"charset" having no meaning.

I can't reproduce this.  With that
line in
~/.subversion/config I get:

% svn add foo.java
A         foo.java
% svn pl
-v foo.java
Properties on

(The value
'native' was inherited from
svn:auto-props in the
copy I was testing in.)

Also, does it really set *two*
properties on the file?  Not

What client and version do you use?


Daniel Shahaf
2018-01-10 19:51:52 UTC
Post by Chris
I think the fix to svn_apply_autoprops.py should be something like below
If anyone with commit rights wants to fix it on the repo, feel free to
use the below, or improve it as necessary (my python knowledge is non-
Index: svn_apply_autoprops.py
--- svn_apply_autoprops.py (revision 103617)
+++ svn_apply_autoprops.py (revision 103618)
@@ -101,7 +101,11 @@
# leading and trailing whitespce from the propery names and
# values.
props_list = []
+ # Since ;; is a separator within one property, we need to do
+ # regex and use both negative lookahead and lookbehind to avoid
+ # ever matching a more than one semicolon in the split
+ semicolonpattern = re.compile("(?<!;);(?!;)")
That's clever, but it will misparse sequences of three or more semicolons in a row, such as

*.foo = key=val;;with;;semicolons;;;anotherkey=anotherval

