2017-05-17 17:50:55 UTC
As a result, for example, you can not say by "svn status" command which =
file you forgot to add.
Reproduction batch script for windows:
@echo off
set REPODIR=3Dtest_repo
set "REPOURL=3Dfile:///%REPOROOT:\=3D/%"
if exist "%REPOROOT%\" rmdir /S /Q "%REPOROOT%"
if exist "%WCROOT%\" rmdir /S /Q "%WCROOT%"
mkdir "%REPOROOT%"
svnadmin create "%REPOROOT%"
mkdir "%WCROOT%"
svn co "%REPOURL%" "%WCROOT%"
rem creating simple file
type nul > "%WCROOT%/file1.txt"
svn add "%WCROOT%/file1.txt"
svn ci "%WCROOT%" -m "rev1"
rem update to the head
svn up "%WCROOT%"
rem add new file to the directory but do not add it to the version contr=
type nul > "%WCROOT%/file2.txt"
rem test status
echo --- svn status 1 ---
svn status "%WCROOT%"
echo ---
rem rename file
svn mv "%WCROOT%/file1.txt" "%WCROOT%/file_bubbles.txt" || goto :EOF
rem add a new file instead
type nul > "%WCROOT%/file1.txt"
rem test status again
echo --- svn status 2 ---
svn status "%WCROOT%"
echo ---
rem after this point the status output missed file1.txt file as =
unversioned file in the listing
The script output:
Checked out revision 0.
A test_repo_root\file1.txt
Adding test_repo_root\file1.txt
Transmitting file data .done
Committing transaction...
Committed revision 1.
Updating 'test_repo_root':
At revision 1.
--- svn status 1 ---
? test_repo_root\file2.txt
A test_repo_root\file_bubbles.txt
D test_repo_root\file1.txt
--- svn status 2 ---
D test_repo_root\file1.txt
A + test_repo_root\file_bubbles.txt
As you see the file1.txt is missed in second status output as unversione=
d =
and so can be missed from add before a commit.
-- =
=EE=C1=D0=C9=D3=C1=CE=CF =D3 =D0=CF=CD=CF=DD=D8=C0 =D0=CF=DE=D4=CF=D7=CF=
=C7=CF =CB=CC=C9=C5=CE=D4=C1 Opera:
file you forgot to add.
Reproduction batch script for windows:
@echo off
set REPODIR=3Dtest_repo
set "REPOURL=3Dfile:///%REPOROOT:\=3D/%"
if exist "%REPOROOT%\" rmdir /S /Q "%REPOROOT%"
if exist "%WCROOT%\" rmdir /S /Q "%WCROOT%"
mkdir "%REPOROOT%"
svnadmin create "%REPOROOT%"
mkdir "%WCROOT%"
svn co "%REPOURL%" "%WCROOT%"
rem creating simple file
type nul > "%WCROOT%/file1.txt"
svn add "%WCROOT%/file1.txt"
svn ci "%WCROOT%" -m "rev1"
rem update to the head
svn up "%WCROOT%"
rem add new file to the directory but do not add it to the version contr=
type nul > "%WCROOT%/file2.txt"
rem test status
echo --- svn status 1 ---
svn status "%WCROOT%"
echo ---
rem rename file
svn mv "%WCROOT%/file1.txt" "%WCROOT%/file_bubbles.txt" || goto :EOF
rem add a new file instead
type nul > "%WCROOT%/file1.txt"
rem test status again
echo --- svn status 2 ---
svn status "%WCROOT%"
echo ---
rem after this point the status output missed file1.txt file as =
unversioned file in the listing
The script output:
Checked out revision 0.
A test_repo_root\file1.txt
Adding test_repo_root\file1.txt
Transmitting file data .done
Committing transaction...
Committed revision 1.
Updating 'test_repo_root':
At revision 1.
--- svn status 1 ---
? test_repo_root\file2.txt
A test_repo_root\file_bubbles.txt
D test_repo_root\file1.txt
--- svn status 2 ---
D test_repo_root\file1.txt
moved to test_repo_root\file_bubbles.txt
? test_repo_root\file2.txtA + test_repo_root\file_bubbles.txt
moved from test_repo_root\file1.txt
As you see the file1.txt is missed in second status output as unversione=
d =
and so can be missed from add before a commit.
-- =
=EE=C1=D0=C9=D3=C1=CE=CF =D3 =D0=CF=CD=CF=DD=D8=C0 =D0=CF=DE=D4=CF=D7=CF=
=C7=CF =CB=CC=C9=C5=CE=D4=C1 Opera: